Romeo United Methodist Church is excited to be making preparations for our 200th Anniversary Celebration.
Our congregation can trace its roots back to 1824 when a Methodist circuit rider, Elias Pattee, rode into Romeo, that was then known as Indian Village. He organized a group of six people who would lay the foundation for Methodism in Romeo.
The full History of our Church is available HERE.
200th Anniversary Sermon Series - Mothers and Fathers of the Church available HERE.
In celebration and recognition of the 200 years we have been in the community we are planning several special events as well as putting together a display of our church history including many documents and artifacts. These will be on display and open for tours in the Spring.
More information will be made available in the near future, but you can save the date for these special times of celebration:
Sunday - May 12th - 200th Anniversary Kickoff
This Sunday will see the start of our worship and sermon series that will take us to our 200th Celebration Worship service. Each Sunday we will look at a different mother or father of the church who played a part in our churches history. Come join us as we give thanks for the past and look forward to the future ministry of the church.
May 26, May 28, June 2, June 4, June 9 & June 15 - Basket Raffle
Our 200th anniversary celebration continues with a basket raffle. Local businesses and individuals are donating items and baskets to be raffled at our Saturday, June 15, event.
Baskets will be displayed with opportunities to purchase tickets on Sundays and Tuesdays prior to June 15th. Tickets are 10 for $20 or $2 individually.
Winning tickets will be drawn at our Celebration Concert and Cookout event. You do not need to be present to win.
If any individuals or groups interested in creating or donating a basket, we welcome your participation. If you have questions, please reach out to any member of the history committee.
Saturday - June 15th - 200th Celebration Concert and Cookout
An afternoon of music featuring our organist (past and present), choir, bells, talented individuals, and praise band. We will also have a cookout of hot dogs, fries and ice cream on the church lawn and fun and games for people of all ages.
Sunday - June 16th 10 am - 200th Celebration Worship Service
Join us for a very special time of worship. We will celebrate with songs, prayer, Scripture and the Michigan Conference Bishop David Bard will be delivering the message for the day. A meal will be served following the service in the Fellowship Hall
Monday - September 2 - Labor Day Peach Festival Parade and Food Booth
Romeo UMC has been invited to be the "Featured Organization" in this year's Peach Festival Parade. All who would like are welcome to ride on our float or walk the parade path as one of the first floats. Our Men's Group will also have our Food Booth in full swing selling hot dogs, sausages, corn, peach smoothies, pop and other favorites.
Stay tuned for other opportunities to celebrate and look to the future of Romeo United Methodist Church.